All cultivated Agricultural crops/Lawns and forest plantations/Horticultural crops/Plantation crops/Floricultural crops/Reclamation of fallow agricultural land to be brought under new cultivation
Made from naturally mined minerals
Calcium Carbonate -70%
Sulphur-10 %
Superior form of Agricultural lime, neutral in nature, does not cause any toxicity to plants in the soil.There is no causticity of the product when applied.The product has minimum 200 mesh size.
Bioteen Krishi chun is a premium Agricultural lime used in the soils with acidic PH.Additions of this product to the soil does the following.
1. Increases soil PH (reduces soil acidity)
During the time of the final land preparation ,Mix 30 Kgs of the product with 50 Kgs soil and broadcast over an area of one acre.
The desired crops can be sown immediately.There is no waiting period for sowing any crop.30 days old transplantable seedlings from the Nursery beds can be sown into the main field.None of the plants will show any wilting or toxicity. In emergency cases 1Kgof the product/200lit water can be used,by putting 100ml of the solution at the root zone of the plant.
50 Kg (Bag)
10 Kg (Bag)
2 Kg (pouch)
1 Kg (pouch)
All cultivated Agricultural crops/Lawns and forest plantations/Horticultural crops/Plantation crops/Floricultural crops/Reclamation of fallow agricultural land to be brought under new cultivation.
Soil sulphur 80% is best for Tea Plantations; used during winter, after the LP and LDS pruning has been done.
The product consists of naturally mined elemental sulphur composed at 80% concentration. It is mixed with natural fillers and carriers which facilitates the release of sulphur when added to the soil. In Areas of High pH is more than 7.5 to 8 ,application of Soil sulphur reduces the PH to cultivable levels.Severely alkaline and sodic soils benefit from the application of Soil sulphur.Natural sulphur pyrites takes a long time to release sulphur as its efficacy depends upon the action of thio bacillus bacteria, may be more than six months.
Sulphur coated manure is expensive and is not available at all remote places for the farmers.The only quick way to add sulphur to the soils is the use of Bioteen soil conditioner
The use of sulphur as an additional nutrient has gained tremendous importance during the recent years.Sulphur is the basic element of 3 important amino acids cystine,cystiene,methionine,which are the building blocks of proteins.Sulphur bearing alkaloids, and oleoresins form an important character of crucifers.The oil content of oil seeds depends on the sulphur level of the soil. In low lying coastal areas the concentration of Nacl(Common salt )is in abundance.The element sodium in excess increases the EC value of the soil thereby rendering the soil incapable of cultivation. Addition of sulphur to such soils replaces sodium from the soil and makes the plants uptake normal NPK and other elements.Sodic soils needs sulphur to amend their nutrient uptake capability.
The product in powder form can be applied as soil application @40 Kgs/acre.The sulphur level for tea soils has to be maintained at 50-80ppm.Mix this with other inputs like potash/Krishichun/Organic manure and spread it on the soil and fork it, later irrigate it.
50 Kg (Bag)
10 Kg (Bag)
All cultivated Agricultural crops/Lawns and forest plantations/Horticultural crops/Plantation crops/Floricultural crops/Reclamation of fallow agricultural land to be brought under new cultivation
Natural cytokinin and protein hydrolysate 6% of plant and animal origin.Biosynthesised.
Bio-synthesized cost effective protein hydrolysate which acts synergistically in plant metabolism, promotes cell division, increases Vitamin A, Chlorophyll, suppresses ageing improves flowering, fruiting, tillering, rooting, increases tuber size in potatoes and Rhizomes. Prevents shedding of buds, flowers, fruits, improves rooting, prevents diseases, improves fibre quality, enhances apical bud initiation of Young Tea, cutting and promotes primary and secondary branches of tea. To be used on Tea during the lull period to break the long Banjhi spell. Very useful and helpful to increases the bud break percentage in LDS and LP tea areas, should be used after pruning operations. It’s a purely Organic based therapy for tea.
Superzyme GR(Granules) can be applied as soil application as a granule to the soil during the final land preparation or during the top dressing @ 6 Kgs/acre.
Tea Plants: Young tea poly tubes can be put superzyme granules @ 1tsp per ploytube.
All cultivated Agricultural crops/Lawns and forest plantations/Horticultural crops/Plantation crops/Floricultural crops/Reclamation of fallow agricultural land to be brought under new cultivation
17+ amino acids, metallochelates, Hydrolysed proteins, with phytostimulants
Pollination is the transport of pollen to the pistil, so fecundation and formation of the fruit is possible,with the help of L - Proline which helps in fertility of Pollen. L - Lysine, L - Methionine, L - Glutamic Acid are essential amino acids for pollination. Also amino Acids are fundamental ingredients in the process of Protein Synthesis. About 20 important Amino Acids are involved in the process of each function. Studies have proved that Amino Acids can directly or indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plant.
Amino Acids are also supplied to plant by incorporating them into the soil. It helps in improving the microflora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients. There are 18 essential aminoacid required for plants to complete the synthesis of plant food in the system
Protein Synthesis with Sanjiban:
Proteins have a structural function, Good amount of the proteins are formed when Sanjivan is applied as a foliar spray, or granule ,metabolic function improves,electron transport function ,and the system improves. Only L - Amino Acids are assimilated by plants.The plants are able to store food in full capacity ultimately increasing the yield.
Stress Resistance wih Sanjiban:
Stress such as High temperature, drought conditions, Low humidity, Frost, Pest attack, Hailstorm, Floods have a negative effect on plant metabolism with a corresponding reduction in crop quality and quantity.
The application of Sanjiban before, during and after the stress conditions supplies the plants with Amino Acids which are directly related to stress physiology and thus prevents disaster and gives a recovering effect.
sanjiban GR (Granules)can be applied as a soil application as a granule to the soil during the final land preparation or during the top dressing @ 3-4 Kgs/acre.
Tea Plants: Young tea poly tubes can be put superzyme granules @ 1tsp per ploytube
All cultivated Agricultural crops/Lawns and forest plantations/Horticultural crops/Plantation crops/Floricultural crops/
Natural Cytokinin and protein hydrolysate 6% of plant and animal origin.Biosynthesised
As a foliar spray - To check fruit, flower drop & stimulates growth for crop plants. Bio-synthesized cost effective protein hydrolysate which acts synergistically in plant metabolism, promotes cell division, increases Vitamin A Chlorophyll , improves flowering, fruiting, tillering, rooting, increases tuber size in potatoes and Rhizomes. Prevents shedding of buds, flowers, fruits, improves rooting, prevents diseases, improves fibre quality, enhances apical bud initiation of Young Tea, cutting and promotes primary and secondary branches of tea. To be used on Tea during the lull period to break the long Banjhi spell. Very useful and helpful to increases the bud break percentage in LDS and LP tea areas, should be used after pruning operations. It’s a purely Organic based therapy for tea.
: For foliar spray 1 ml/lit of water at 15 days interval,
5 LIT / 1 LIT / 500ML /250 ML / 100 ML
All cultivated Agricultural crops/Lawns and forest plantations/Horticultural crops/Plantation crops/Floricultural crops
17+ amino acids, metallochelates, Hydrolysed proteins, with phytostimulants
Sanjiban is a rich mixture of the most essential amino acids that are required for the complete plant metabolism. In absence of the supply of amino acids to plants, the plants cannot Manufacture and yield the out put as desired. The requirement of amino acids in essential quantities is well known as a means to increase yield and overall quality of crops. The application of amino acids for foliar use is based on its requirement by plants in general and at critical stages of growth in particular. Plants absorb Amino Acids through Stomaz and is proportionate to environment temperature. Amino Acids are fundamental ingredients in the process of Protein Synthesis. About 20 important Amino Acids are involved in the process of each function. Studies have proved that Amino Acids can directly or indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plant.
Amino Acids are also supplied to plant by incorporating them into the soil. It helps in improving the microflora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.
Foliar Nutrition in the form of Protein Hydrolysate (Known as Amino Acids Liquid) and foliar spray provide readymade building blocks for Protein synthesis. Proteins have a structural function, Good amount of the proteins are formed when Sanjivan is applied as a foliar spray, metabolic function improves,electron transport function and the system improves. Only L - Amino Acids are assimilated by plants.The plants are able to store food in full capacity ultimately increasing the yield.
Foliar spray of 1ml/lit water repeat at 20 days
5 LIT / 1 LIT / 500 ML / 250 ML / 100 ML
Flowers and leguminous crops in particular
Effective flowering hormones (Imported)
FLOREN is a foliar based application for flower plants, this is a hormonal preparation meant for flower and orchid cultivation.This product is meant for amateur flower hobbyists and farmers who are involved in commercial flower cultivation. To get uniform flowering pattern in their crops farmers can use this product to their advantage.The flowers will bloom to their orginal size, the flower drop will not occur. The natural color of the flower will show up. The number of flowers will increase, and the application of this product will also ensure the extended keeping quality of the cut flowers. Farmers can transport the flower to long distances without much damage to the cut flowers. This products aids in bud formation and timely blooming properties of the flower.
As foliar application : Mix one drop of the product in the liter water, and use the same as foliar spray. Use regularly during the growth phase of the plant, first spray to be given 7-10 days before the expected bud formation, (Pre blossoming spray) thereafter spray every 25 days. 2-3 sprays will be very useful.
50 ML / 10 ML
All cultivated Agricultural crops/Lawns and forest plantations/Horticultural crops/Plantation crops/Floricultural crops
Soluble NPK 20:20:20
By applying a foliar fertiliser directly to the leaf, it increases the activity in the leaf, at the same time increasing chlorophyll and thus photosynthesis. Because of this increased activity, it increases the need for water by the leaf. In turn this increases water uptake by the plants vascular system, which in turn increases the uptake of nutrients from the soil. By increasing photosynthesis, we increase production and efficiency. Certain soil conditions, such as pH, excess moisture, or cool temperatures, may render a nutrient or nutrients unavailable to the plant root. Nutrient demand curves indicate that there are stages in a plant's life-cycle when demand for some nutrients may be greater than its physiological capacity to supply itself, even when these soil nutrients are available in abundant supply. This often occurs during the development of fruit or grain. Data from trials on crops, show that increases in yield and/or grade results from applications of foliar nutrients during these periods of peak demand. Foliar fertilizers can be designed to meet a plant’s specific needs for one or more micro and macro nutrients--especially trace minerals and enables you to correct deficiencies, strengthen weak or damaged crops, speed growth and grow better plants. Foliar applications can be targeted to a particular stage of crop development to achieve specific objectives and is an excellent way to "fine tune" a high fertility program. is a fully water soluble ,fully absorbable foliar based primary nutrient meant to sprayed on crop plants to fine tune the complete nutrient utilization done by soil manuring It has been proved through research using isotopes that foliar feeding was 8 -10 times more effective to feed a plant as far as the amount of nutrients required and the speed with which those nutrients were utilized. The readily- available nutrients are more easily utilized, as they are directly available to a plant and because they do not have to be dissolved by moisture before going into the soil solution and where they may be subjected to insolubulisation by incident anions such as carbonate, bicarbonate, hydroxide, etc, known as fixation.
Trasco Folimeal can be used on all crop plants with commercial value. The product can be applied during the mid and later stages of the crop growth. It does best after manuring has been done to the crop plant
Apply@ 2gms/lit to 3gms/lit every 20 days
All cultivated Agricultural crop/Horticultural crops/Plantation crops/Floricultural crops
Copper 20%
Lime 6%
Inert Carriers 74%
Total 100%
Bordeaux Fungicide is an old and reliable fungicide that effectively controls various fungus diseases of flowers, ornamentals, trees and fruit. Copper sulfate and lime based Bordeaux mixture is an outstanding fungicide and bactericide that has been used for decades to control some diseases of tree fruits and nuts, vine fruits, and ornamentals. The ability of Bordeaux mixture to weather the , winter, and spring rains and to adhere to plants makes it an excellent choice for a winter fungicide. this mixture is primarily used as a fungicide to control bacterial leaf spots, blights, anthracnose, downy mildews and cankers. It also acts as a repellent to many Insects and is labeled for use on many vegetable, tree fruit and nut Crops. Fixed copper fungicide (tribasic copper sulfate, copper oxychloride sulfate, cupric hydroxide) sprays also control some of the same disease-causing organisms as Bordeaux mixture. While fixed copper sprays are much easier to prepare, they are far less persistent and will not withstand winter rains as nicely as Copper sulfate and lime based Bordeaux mixture . Trasco columbia Bodo is most effective and are a better choice to use in spring after the trees have broken dormancy and tender leaves are exposed. It is effective for certain pathogens such as the leaf curl fungus. Among its many uses are applications in winter to control the overwintering fire blight inoculum in pears and apples, leaf curl and shot hole pathogens in peach and nectarine, downy mildew and powdery mildew fungi in most crops including vegetables and in grapes to control blight and black rot, peacock spot pathogen in olives, walnut blight bacteria in walnut, and black spot fungus in roses.
Common Targeted pathogens
Plant Disease Application
Grapes Blight, Black Rot Apply in Spring and/or early Summer, repeat as needed.
Apples Blotch, Bitter Rot, Black Rot, Late Scab Apply in Spring and/orz early Summer, repeat as needed.Peaches Powdery mildews and downy mildew Apply as prophylactic spray.
Tea Leaf rust/Red Rust/ Blister blight/Grey blight/brown blight Use as a foliar.
Dose: To be used as a foliar Spray @ 3gms/lit of water
PRECAUTION: Use the product at the recommended dose only Do not delay the sprying after the tank mix is prepared .Spraying should commence either early morning or just before sunset to avoid any scorching .The mixture in the tank should be stirred thoroughly before spraying .Always store the product in a cool and dry place .This product is not compatible with sulphur /lime sulphur
All plants whose vegetative propagation needs acceleration in growth.Specially for early establishment of flower cuttings.For Quick root development in plants.Very beneficial for dipping in tea nodal cuttings for early root growth from the nodes.Useful in Beetelvine (PAAN) crop also.
Mixture of essential hormones
Rooting hormone will work on a variety of cuttings, including new growth, brittle stems, woody stems, and others. It\\\'s also very useful for grafting, and will dramatically increase the success of grafted plants.
Using Rooting Hormone on Bulbs and Corms
Rooting hormone is also effective as stimulating root production on corms and bulbs. Simply put the bulb or corm in a plastic bag with a small quantity of rooting hormone and shake it to coat with a light layer. Plant.
Rooting hormone for plants is wonderful stuff. When used correctly, it dramatically increases the odds of success with propogation. It can be used on ornamental plants, as well as corms and bulbs.
Effective root grower used for enhancing rooting of woody plants, which regulates. longitudinal cell structure of root tips. Successfully used in grafting and cutting of flowers, fruits, vegetables etc. For Tea Plantations for vegetative propagation methods of raising single nodal cuttings in tea, to be used in nursery as a dip before pushing the cuttings into the poly tubes. Later a soil drench with the same at 25 days after pushing the Tea cuttings will be extremely helpful to get uniform shoot growth.
Dose and Application Procedure : Cut and Grafted portion of the materials are rinsed with powder duly dipped into water and allow them to dry for 5 minutes before planting.
Make a solution@1/gm/lt water and dip the cuttings in the same.
Paddy seeds can be soaked for 20 mts in the solution @1/2gm/lit water and then put for germination
250 GM / 100 GM / 50 GM / 10 GM